Занятие на выходные

Берем колоду карт, нехитрый реквизит и тренируемся. И глядишь через пару лет вы сможете сделать то, чему так заботливо учат нижеприведенные видеоматериалы, а именно эти замечательные карточные фокусы!

Переводить мне описания–лень, если кто поможет в комментариях–буду благодарен :-) И еще предупреждение–большой траффик!

1. The snap card. This tutorial demonstrates how to make a card selected by the audience appear on your hand instantly. Love this one:

[metacafe 389094/amazing_card_trick_snap_card

2. The revolver. Performed and taught by a kid, but who cares? This trick makes each card in the deck turn over with a flick of the cards. Simply AMAZING.

[metacafe 376607/amazing_card_trick_revealed

3. Coin into Can. Using this technique, the audience receives the illusion that a coin has instantly been forced into and unopened can.

[metacafe 361057/how_to_quarter_through_soda_revealed

4. The Coin Matrix – Make coins transfer beneath cards. Simple, yet amazing.

[metacafe 291517/learn_the_coin_matrix

5. The Drop Change – Throw a card onto a deck and it instantly changes into a different card. Great trick for a large audience.


6. Pen through a dollar coin – With a simple bit of modification you can perform this.

[metacafe 286952/pen_through_dollar_revealed

7. Spin Change – A card instantly changes to a different card while being spun around.


8. Glass through table – Amazingly simple yet effective trick where you force a glass through the table.

[metacafe 300992/revealed_vanishing_a_coin_under_a_cup

9. How to tear a phone book in half – Not so much magic, just damn cool.

[metacafe 345661/how_to_rip_a_phonebook_in_half

10. Self tying shoe lace – Simple modification, amazing effect.

[metacafe 360289/how_to_self_tying_shoelace_revealed

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